Lions Football Development Course

Over Easter half term Lions held a Football Development Course. Looking back over the course there were some great highlights to reflect on ...
We witnessed some great players and skills, with the first day's subject being 'manipulation' this gave the players an opportunity to 'show boat' and show off their skills, in the 1v1 games and tournaments.
Over the course of the 3 days we had a different topic each day, with the morning focusing on intense training adapted into fun drills, and the afternoon as pure games.
With the camp being at such a high standard it left the coaches in a situation of who deserved player of the camp? This came down to; willingness to improve, listening skills, team work, respect to staff and players and of course ability across the 3 days.
The player that fitted perfectly into this category was Eric, age 6. With the right mentality Eric has the potential for developing into a terrific player. Well done Eric!
Kieran Woodley - Director of Football
For details of future Lions Football Development Courses, please refer to ' Camps/Courses Book Now'