Rugby - Day 3 & 4
Day 3 and 4 of The Mall Camp saw the students have a crack at Rugby. Lions coaches Theo, Kieran T and Kieran W were extremely impressed with the standard of the boys on the camp. The main focus of day 1 was handling and evasion with all the boys excelling and scoring some great tries. With lots of small sided games taking place, everyone was scoring lots of tries. The day was rounded of with everyone's favourite 'Kick Tennis'.
The second day of rugby saw everyone giving tackling a go whether it was the Year 1s tackling a pad or the Year 8s smashing each other. Static contact then turned into contact games with some great tackles and tries being scored.
Everyone departed each day with a huge smile on their faces including us coaches. We look forward to seeing you in action next rugby season for The Mall School!
The day included; cricket, dodge ball, football, hockey and table tennis. Even with the weather taking a turn for the worse towards the end of the day it didn't stop us having fun in the hall with our finale, 'number game'. There was enough chanting, noise and excitement to put Anfield to shame!
Kieran Woodley - Director of Football
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