Looking For a Proactive Approach to Making Rugby Safer At Your School?

The Lions Tackle Intervention programme has been designed to help improve the safety of rugby tackling in schools. We understand that making a sport completely safe is an impossible task, our aim is to provide a proactive approach to potential concerns and create competent and confident rugby players.

The story so far...

Lions delivered the Lions Tackle Coaching programme as a 1-hour training session, in a state secondary school for 12 weeks with male and female students from academic years 7 and 8.   

Key findings… 

Over the duration of the Lions Tackle Coaching programme we are seeing children have;

  • Increased movement competency

  • Increased jump height

  • Increased tackle competency!!!

With these findings, we can safely assume that an increase in physical movement and technical tackle competency will help to make rugby in schools safer.  

What's next... 

Following conversations with teachers, we found that it is very unlikely that schools would implement the programme as an hour-long session so we extensively redesigned it to create a scheme of work (SOW) consisting of 12, 20 min sessions. This hybrid training model employs strength and conditioning principles with technical tackle development.


Now we are looking for schools like you to help us deliver a supported Tackle Coaching Programme throughout your rugby term.

Commitment from the school:

What we need from you:

  • Teachers to commit to delivering the programme and provide 3 feedback - pre, during and post

What we will deliver:

  • 4 testing sessions with the pupils (pre, mid, end, and post programme)

  • 4 informal group discussions with pupils (in person ideally)

  • 4 informal group discussions with parents (can be via zoom)

  • Support for coaches delivering the programme

Benefits for the school:

  • A training resource and coaching support to help make rugby safer

  • A proactive approach to rugby tackling to help rising parental concerns

  • Help teachers save time by providing technical tackle resources.

  • An opportunity for pupils and teachers to contribute to the advancement of rugby coaching science

Please contact andy@lionssports.academy or 02034245070 to register your interest to take part in the study.

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